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Home/Blog/Want to Help Support Fat Loss Over Time? Do This Each Day

Want to Help Support Fat Loss Over Time? Do This Each Day

By Ethan Boldt

January 22, 2025

Fat loss day

What does a “fat loss day” look like? What kind of daily actions, large and small, can you take that will help you lose body fat? That will help you lose weight or manage a healthy weight?

Below we cover how each action helps contribute to body fat loss over time. Remember, this is not about losing fat in one day, but stacking many of these days (for weeks and months) in order to achieve body fat loss over time.

Not surprisingly, most of the daily tips for fat loss revolve around nutrition, including supplement usage, but also regular exercise, stress management and more.

As always, however, you should consult your healthcare professional prior to beginning any new dietary or lifestyle regimen.

The nutrition-related fundamentals for a successful fat loss day also play important roles, such as promoting satiety, building lean muscle and boosting the metabolism. These fundamentals include:

  • High-protein foods — foods like grass-fed meat, turkey, chicken, salmon, eggs, beans and legumes increased thermogenesis (the digestive process by which the body generates heat and burns calories) and foster normal muscle growth and repair, as well as preservation of lean mass during any weight loss.

  • Healthy fats — fats like avocado (and avocado oil), olive oil, butter and MCT oil help you feel fuller, support healthy weight management (in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle, including regular exercise) and boost energy levels.

  • High-fiber foods — foods like broccoli, legumes, apples and pears, berries and sweet potatoes encourage healthy weight management by creating satiety and reducing calorie absorption — also help reduce both hunger pangs and food cravings.

  • Avoid sugar — Excessive sugar consumption is linked to unhealthy weight gain, as sugary foods and drinks are often high in calories and can contribute to an increase in body fat. Try a no-sugar diet that has healthy swaps.

  • Fat-burning foods — These are nutrient-dense options that possess unique properties to help support a healthy metabolism and promote fat loss. Foods like avocado, eggs and leafy greens; drinks like green tea and bone broth.

  • Whole grains — Choose whole grains over refined options for sustained energy, as they have complex carbohydrates that can actually increase energy expenditure.

  • Avoiding grazing — Grazing is frequent snacking between meals and can lead to weight gain because excess calories are usually consumed. Instead, stick to structured meal times along with one afternoon snack.

Here are 14 daily ways to promote long-term fat loss:

1. Wake up rested

Getting a good night’s sleep is important if you’re interested in losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. One, you will need to move on this “fat loss day” and that requires plenty of energy, which is somewhat provided by a sound sleep the night before.

Two, some studies indicate that poor sleep actually slows down the process where the body converts calories to energy, aka your metabolism. This means your body may store that unused energy as fat.

Three, inadequate sleep can negatively impact blood sugar levels and spike your cortisol levels, both of which can mean more fat accumulation.

2. Have coffee

For many, this isn’t a hard step, as it may already be a part of your morning routine. For those who’ve somehow avoided the black liquid, you may consider adopting it if you’re interested in losing fat.

Coffee contains caffeine, which is one of the few substances that can mobilize fats from your fat stores and simultaneously boost the metabolism. It also helps make you feel more awake and energized by how it affects our neurotransmitters.

It should be noted that over time, you become more tolerant to the effects of caffeine — so it doesn’t boost your fat-loss efforts as well.

Not a fan of coffee? Consider Clean Energy, Ancient Nutrition’s new superfood-powdered energy supplement. It contains 74 milligrams of caffeine per serving — less than a typical cup of coffee — and comes in two delicious flavors: cherry limeade and strawberry kiwi.

Clean Energy is designed to promote alertness, focus and cognitive health, plus physical performance and endurance. It even promotes lean muscle and strength for a healthy body composition (in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle, including regular exercise).

3. Get in long cardio

Before your work day begins, do cardio. Not just any cardio, but ideally long cardio, as in over 40 minutes. Why? First, when you exercise, you burn through stored glycogen in the muscles for energy. It’s only after about 20 or 30 minutes that your body goes into fat-loss mode. To achieve genuine fat loss during a workout, 40 to 60 minutes of lower- to moderate-intensity exercise is advised.

You can also do your cardio in a fasted or semi-fasted state to supposedly access your fat stores more readily, though this theory hasn’t been officially validated in studies as of yet. Some people prefer to have some coffee (or Clean Energy, see above) and maybe half a banana, for example, before a cardio workout.

4. For breakfast, have a smoothie with a fat loss blend

First, after that cardio, you want to get in some valuable nutrients in order to assist your recovery. Second, ideally you add a protein supplement with a fat loss blend to that smoothie.

Ancient Nutrition has two options:

  • Multi Collagen Advanced Lean powder (cinnamon flavor) — This collagen powder from 10 food-based sources is a healthy weight management supplement designed to help you burn calories and boost your metabolism.

  • Whey Protein + Fat Loss†* powder (vanilla cinnamon flavored) — This whey protein powder is formulated with 23 grams of grass-fed whey protein and organic regenerative A2/A2 milk protein. Claims include less body fat†*, more strength†* and increasing your metabolism†*, but also recovering more quickly†, feeling less stressed, more energized† and on top of your cravings.

Both feature a proprietary and clinically studied superfood Fat Loss Blend that includes organic ashwagandha root extract and organic ceylon cinnamon. This unique combination simultaneously promotes fat loss†*, burns calories†* and increases your metabolism†*, making it an ideal choice for those aiming to achieve and maintain a lean body composition†*.

Use either protein powder in these four protein shake recipes, which include vanilla, chocolate, banana and coffee varieties.

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*In addition to a healthy, reduced-calorie diet and healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise.

5. Multi Collagen Advanced Lean capsules

Want to double down on your fat loss potential with Multi Collagen Advanced? Along with daily supplements like a multivitamin for overall health and a probiotic for gut health, consider taking Multi Collagen Advanced Lean capsules.

It also features a proprietary Fat Loss Blend that includes moringa leaf extract, curry leaf extract, organic cordyceps mycelium, turmeric rhizome extract, organic fermented ginger root, organic fermented black pepper fruit and organic apple cider vinegar. These select ingredients are backed by clinical studies.

Benefits include (with the addition of a healthy reduced-calorie diet and a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise):

  • Burn up to 15% more calories at rest†*

  • 6x more weight loss†**

  • 3x more waist and hip reduction†**

  • Blocks, breaks down and burns fat†**

  • Promotes healthy fat loss†**

  • Increases metabolism†*

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Key ingredient. Day 7 in a 7-day human clinical trial with healthy normal weight and overweight individuals, at rest with no changes to diet or exercise.

**Key ingredient. Compared to diet and exercise alone in a 16-week human clinical trial with healthy overweight individuals who followed a reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise.

6. Drink unsweetened fluids (and electrolytes) during the day

Many people unwittingly sabotage their weight loss efforts by consuming sugary drinks, which are loaded with calories and spike insulin levels (which means you can store fat more readily) while often offering next-to-zero nutrition value.

Instead, drink calorie-free or low-calorie beverages like filtered water, sparkling or mineral water, and green or herbal teas.

Also consider an electrolyte drink, as it can help regulate fluid balance and support healthy muscle and nerve function. Importantly, electrolytes aid in healthy digestion by supporting stomach acid production and intestinal function, along with proper pH balance, which is crucial for various metabolic processes.

Try Ancient Nutrition’s Multi Collagen Advanced Hydrate (mixed berry or lemon lime). A real food source of balanced electrolytes and featuring twice the number of electrolytes (per serving, based on overall sodium and potassium levels) as leading sports drinks, it's made with ancient superfoods and clinically studied ingredients.

7. Try to reduce stress

Stress jacks up both your adrenaline and cortisol, hormones that initially decrease your appetite (part of the body’s fight or flight response). But more persistent stress can do the opposite, increasing your appetite and lead to you overeating.

Do your best to avoid overly stressful situations, but also practice stress-relieving actions like an outdoor walk, not eating lunch at your desk and trying deep breathing techniques.

8. Move throughout the day

While intentional exercise is important, so is unintentional exercise. So let’s say you do cardio in the morning, that doesn’t give you license to park your butt on a chair for most of the day.

Instead, try a stand up desk or make sure to get up once in a while. For example, take phone calls while walking around your area. As said above, go for a walk during the day.

Some studies show that overweight people sit for an average of two hours longer per day than people of healthy weight. Sedentary lifestyles mean your body burns fewer calories and stores excess calories as fat.

9. Mixed macro lunch

A balanced lunch is essential to set you up for the rest of this successful fat loss day. Check out the nutrition fundamentals above to incorporate into your lunch.

You want all three macronutrients — carbohydrates, fat and protein — and the best examples of each. In other words, you want less processed, high-fiber carbs, healthy fats and quality high-protein foods.

For example, a grilled chicken breast sandwich with avocado, goat cheddar cheese and olive oil mayo on whole grain bread such as Ezekiel.

Grilled flank steak or tempeh (if you’re a vegan) with fresh salsa, guacamole, purple sliced cabbage, regular cheddar or vegan cheese on low-carb wheat tortillas.

Or consider one of these high-protein soups, such as a high-nutrient chicken soup.

10. Strength train in the early evening

Building muscle helps you lose inches all around, keeps your metabolism going after leaving the gym and will help you look better, too.

Studies show that a strength training session can affect your metabolic rate for the next 48 hours, compared to just two hours for aerobic exercise. Muscles, by definition, are metabolically active tissue. The more you have of it, the more calories you burn at rest.

Researchers even discovered that weight training could be more beneficial for reducing belly fat over time than aerobic exercise.

See our article on how to build muscle for strength training suggestions. It can be a simple dumbbell workout at home or one involving machines at a gym.

11. High protein, low glycemic dinner

Have you heard about the low glycemic diet? The glycemic index is a system that ranks foods based on how quickly they raise blood sugar levels after being eaten.

Low glycemic foods help keep already stable blood sugar levels (in the healthy, normal range) on track, and they also aid healthy weight management and promote satiety, helping you feel full longer and reducing overall calorie intake.

So an hour or so after your strength training session, make up a high-protein, low glycemic dinner. It’ll also help your muscles recover from the workout.

Fortunately, it’s easy to do. Simply pair carbs — whole grains, legumes and non-starchy vegetables — with lean protein and fats like olive oil to help keep blood sugar levels stable and in the healthy, normal range. Think grilled fish or flank steak, lentils and broccoli, for example.

Want dessert? Rather than going with something sugar-laden, just go with high-fiber berries with some Greek or coconut yogurt.

12. Consider a fiber supplement

Most of us don't get enough fiber. If that's the case for you, that mean more frequent bouts of occasional constipation and feeling hungry.

Ancient Nutrition’s new Organic Fiber supplement powder (available in delicious pineapple mango and raspberry lemonade flavors) features a Fiber Blend of konjac root, acacia fiber and probiotics. It's a gentle-acting, certified organic fiber powder that uses soluble fiber sources alongside soil-based organism (SBO) probiotics for digestive health.

Organic Fiber helps reduce occasional constipation, gas and bloating. It even promotes a feeling of fullness, which can help you reach your healthy weight management goals (in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle, including regular exercise).

Mix it with cold water — use a frother for the smoothest blend of powder and water — and drink it within the next 10 to 20 minutes.

13. Don’t eat past 7 p.m.

You want to eat your dinner at least two to three hours before heading to bed, in order to help digest your food and help keep your blood sugar levels in the healthy, normal range.

Avoid alcohol, too, as that can add excess calories and also lead to more eating, plus potentially affect your sleep.

14. Go to bed early

Finally, try to hit the sack on the early side, such as before 10 p.m., to complete your fat loss day. Good sleep helps regulate your hunger hormones, assists the metabolism and helps you avoid the temptation of late-night snacks.

Remember to avoid electronics an hour or so before bed, as the blue light can affect your sleep cycle. Unwind with a chat with a loved one or a book.

For successful fat loss over time, simply repeat this type of day consistently over time as often as you can. Feel free to tweak certain steps that suit your taste and lifestyle. You got this!

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